I believe communication is a very vital role in the classroom. Without it, there would not be a functioning
class! I believe I do communicate with my peers very well, and with students I work with. I know I can still work on this
though when class discussions are going on and trying to participate in that- I struggle with that. I think the barnga game
was a great example of this however and the struggles there are to it!
I believe using the textbook I have been researching alot this semester about different languages and
cultures. I was very lost or unaware of what goes on in the world and what other people's view is on languages and cultures.
I am now very fascinated with learning more.
This semester in this class have I yet to learn more about technology, since I set this website up last semester.
However, if you include the other classes I am taking this semester I am learning alot about technology and learning how I
can apply it to this class and how to teach it to linguistically diverse students.
I feel when we wrote about questions or comments we had about the school system and wrote our thoughts in
the book was a very good example and exercise for collaborating. I feel when using ASL to one another is collaborating together
to try and communicate to eachother in a whole new way. I also feel when we talked in our groups about the books we were reading
we collaborated ideas and thoughts.
- Confidence and Independence
Right now, I feel that I dont have alot of confidence when it comes to communication with the whole class
or a large group. I do just fine with a partner or a in a small group of like 3. I am more on the shy type, and while I am
trying to work on that it's really hard with adults. I feel I have alot more confidence with the children, because they dont
judge, adults just can't help it. I feel I am gaining information especially this semester when it comes to research
and technology, I didnt know much before this semester, so my confidence and independence in these areas is growing all the
I feel I am learning so much about linguistically diverse students and how they must feel living in America
today. I had never thought of how they actually felt. Learning about Sign Language, reading the text and the playing
the Barnga game has really opened up my eyes to how much knowledge there is out there. I've seen how I have so much more to
learn in order to be successful working with students that have a culture I am not very familiar with, which is basically
I feel since I started this program I have grown immensely with skills and strategies in the education world.
With the help of textbooks, hands-on activities, discussions with peers, and being in the classroom has just helped me so
much. I feel I can learn alot more however, especially about how to help linguistically diverse students and being able to
connect with them to where they feel safe and conmfortable. I feel every day as I observe and do Iearn more and more.
- Use of Prior & Emerging Experience
I feel I have had some prior experience with lingustically diverse children. My parents do foster care, and
with that I have lived with every different kid there possibly is. Hispanic, white, navajo, african-american, different kinds
of religions, values, beliefs and low-income. Yet at the same time, even though I know these children and grown up in a very
diverse cultural, I feel like I am unaware of culture around me. I feel with learning from Vickie and reading the text I am
becoming more familiar. I feel I can start relating to children a little better just knowing some of their story. I hope when
we start going into Charlotte's class I will learn even more.
- Reflectiveness(critical awareness)
I feel this class has gotten off to a shaky start. But I have participated in the activites during class,
and enjoyed and learned from them. I think reading the short stories helps give examples for me of children who faces cultural
problems every day. I think what I have enjoyed and learned from the most so far is ASL. I have always had a special interest
for sign language, that I dont have that for any other language. I feel I have gained understanding from the text and
can't wait until we start our own stories.