Four Major Strands of work:
I have learned this semester that communication is a very vital thing in the classroom. Communication is what
can make or break your class. I have learned studing about ESL students that these students need to communicate in order to
feel important, in order to feel included. I have seen through working with Mrs. Bradshaw's class and from observing other
classroom's that when communcation is not met, things turn up missing or thrown away. I have seen that communication is not
only important in the classroom environment but in all or our daily lives. One of the reasons why we communicate is for gaining
understanding and learning about others.
Well, when we usually think about research we think of going online or getting into the books.But I think
what I have learned this semester is that we have to research our students in order to build a relationship with them, and
in order to teach them to their standard and to their way of understanding. I have found working with the boy at Apache that
he relates to toys and games, usually war or guns. So when writing our story in order to keep him focused I would try to include
toys, games, etc. into his story. I think we need to research the students about their background and families as well, because
I think this can make a huge difference for us with the student.
Since I took Children's Literature last semester I have pretty confident about creating our websites.
What I have learned about technology however is that it lets us express on thoughts and feelings in a way we cant do verbally
or even written, my hand would be dead by now:-). I think technology has been a tool for the boy I'm working with and his
story. I know I said this in my observations but once the boy I am working with saw his story typed up on the computer he
got very excited. And he told me he felt better about his paper and presenting it, just from using Microsoft Word! I
have learned that students really enjoy using technology, no matter how small, and I need to enforce that in my future classroom.
I have learned this semester just how important collaboration is! I have learned that students need feedback
from their peers and teachers. And teachers need it as well from their co-workers and their students. I think when we gather,
share and create our ideas as a group the outcome is better then we could have imagined. I know for the girl that I was working
with, she really needed some ideas about what to write her story about. And with the help of the boy I worked with and myself
I think her ideas as well as our suggestions really helped her in the end. I think it was a good exercise to do as well when
doing our student conferences. We were able to read our stories and get feedback. I have learned that ESL students need this
the most out of about everything.
Five Dimensions of Learning:
- Confidence and Independence
I have learned this semester that students confidence and independence really starts at home. I think alot
of that is developed in your family and how they treat you. I think it sometimes depends on culture as well. I remember reading
in our book how Spanish families have a hard time letting their child go off on their own because they believe families should
be very very close. I think after seeing the students at Apache read their stories out loud you could see which ones had more
confidence and independence than others, it was kind of sad. I think confidence also is dependent on your personality, it
seems usually the shyer ones have a harder time, I'm still not sure how you address situtations with shyer children.
I think this semester I have realized that some teachers try to teach only the content and sometimes students
will learn less from it. I think teachers need to teach content as well as problems and things that go on in our daily lives.
I think Webs, charts, maps, four blocks are good for developing ideas if the students needs them. One of the students I was
working with in Apache did not need it.I felt like he was just doing a chore that probably was not necessary, but he felt
like he had to do it. I think you should write your ideas down no doubt but I think the content learn subsides from doing
these "chores".
I think I have learned alot more strategies this semester or have just realized them when before I wasnt recognizing
them. I think studying for the TESOL exam really helped me identify strategies and reflect on situations I saw in classrooms
I observed and how I would do certain strategies. I have learned this semester that when building a relationship with a student
we need to recognize their skills-their strengths. I think it is important for the students self-esteem and their success
to acknowledge these skills and to address them when avaiable. The boy I am working with at Apache I noticed was very good
at socializing and giving good feedback, and I let him really know how much that helped the other students. I think he really
liked the...compliment?
- Use of Prior and Emerging Experience
I have learned this semester that in order for students who have a primary language that is not English is
that prior experience helps so much for that student to learn faster. I remember in the book it said students who could read
and write in their primary language had a much easier time to read and write in English. I have learned that students learn
by connecting it to experiences they have had in the past or have learned in the past. I think with the Apache students writing
their stories using their prior experience really helped on how well they were able to create their story or not.
I know during the UNM courses I have heard Reflect, reflect, reflect...and o yeah, Reflect. I think, actually,
I know I need to improve in this area. It's not that I am opposed to reflection or anything like that, I think it is
great, and I know it works great for me. It helps me get things out that sometimes I was hiding so deep I didnt even realize
that is how I felt! I think it's just time and laziness that keeps me away from it. I know I need to improve, and I will keep
working on that. I also think it is important for students to reflect as well, and I need to remember to encourage them and
relate to my experience with it!
Evaluation of grade: I would like an A, I think I have learned alot from this semester.
Suggestions: If you decide to publish stories and poems again in a classroom I would suggest getting
into the classroom earlier if at all possible. I would also suggest maybe going to into TESOL a little more:-)
Thank you Frances!!