I really enjoyed Katie coming and talking to us about her writing life. It gave me a good idea of a writers life. Some
ideas that I got out of the presentation was always to draft when writing. I think for children this is crucial. I also learned
that in order to write you have to read, which sometimes children and adults forget this idea. The last idea was when writing,
incorporate the five senses which is a great idea but I just had never thought of it!
I would use the information I have learned when teaching my children skills to writing, keep the pointers Katie mentioned
above to the children.
I enjoyed the presentation because you can really tell that she loves what she does, and that makes it so much better
to listen too!
I like the idea of e-mailing or writing characters from a book and having the children,teacher or someone in the comuunity be
the characters. Sounds like alot of fun.
I believe this was valuable because I was able to see another way someone is reaching out with the idea of the reading
"bookself" to children. I also believe I was able to get a pretty good idea of the publishing process and a writers life.
I think I would be able to use this information when trying to help a student who wants to be a writer or who wants to
get something published.