Educating Diverse Students/Children's Literature

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     I had such a good time at the Story Telling Festival! It was so much fun and funny! I went on Friday with my mom's class because she needed an extra chaperone for her class so I volunteered.
     We listened to elementary students present their own stories! We watched students from Ladera, all girls! There were some very funny stories. What impressed me the most about their stories were that they were memorized! Many of the stories had actions with their story as well which made it very animated!
      All of the stories were so cute! Relating to usually animals and food it seemed like! My favorite one was about a boy who always picked his nose and one day is finger got stuck in his nose! He had to go everywhere like that until finally it came loose, from that day forth he promised never to pick his nose, but only once in awhile:-). The students did an exceptional job, I really enjoyed it.
     After that we had a story teller....I can not remember her name but she told a few stories as well. She was great and the students loved her.